Monitoring & Evaluation
The Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Unit is responsible for monitoring programme implementation and evaluating programme outputs, outcomes and impacts.
The M&E system of LEAP is built upon the framework below which was developed by the Ministry with the help of Oxford Policy Management – a UK based consultancy firm.
The indicators used in monitoring the LEAP Programme are divided into two: the Core Result Framework (CRF) and the Operational Management Framework (OMF). The CRF seeks to provide overview of the programme’s performance to external stakeholders such as government official outside the Ministry and development partners. The indicators include information on targeting, payment performance and case management as well as outcome indicators and impact of the programme as a whole. These indicators are assessed and reported annually and shared in the LEAP Annual Reports. The OMF report detailed information on all the output indicators including linkages to other interventions which are assessed and shared quarterly in the LEAP Quarterly Reports. They provide detailed information to LEAP Management to improve programme implementation.
The key LEAP Programme activities include the following:
- Targeting,
- Enrollment & Registration of beneficiaries,
- Payment to caregivers,
- Checking Compliance with Co-responsibilities,
- Complaints/Case Management,
- Social Accountability
- Monitoring and Evaluation,
- Facilitating re- certification and graduation of LEAP beneficiaries,
- Facilitating exit of LEAP beneficiaries.