Mr. Myles Ongoh
Dr. Myles Ongoh is a professional social worker with over 20years of practice. Dr. Ongoh started his professional practice from the sub-national to the national levels where he worked in different capacities and on different social issues. He rose through the ranks of social work practice from a Social Development Assistant through to a Deputy Director.
In his career, he has been involved in case work, domestic violence and child protection and mobility. These experiences have widened his understanding of issues, particularly, vulnerability and poverty. He has also been a Lecturer at the School of Social Work at Osu, Accra, where he taught and guided students in courses like Social Policy and Family Welfare whiles serving as the Dean of Students. To further broaden his understanding of social issues, Dr Ongoh has pursued a steady academic path consistent with his social work practice and development in general.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Ghana – the thesis focused on post retirement survival strategies and quality of life among pensioners in Ghana. He holds Master of Arts degree in Social Policy Studies, Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work and a Diploma in Social Administration, all from the University of Ghana, Legon. He also obtained a Certificate in Social Work from the School of Social Work. Dr. Ongoh has presented and published papers in different peer review conferences which deepened policy dialogue and also contributed to knowledge. He has conducted several researches, sometimes serving as a lead researcher and other times as a research assistant. Finally, he is a team player and respects diversity..