PRESS RELEASE: LEAP Programme Registers Beneficiaries Onto The National Health Insurance Scheme

The Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) Programme in collaboration with the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) will conduct a nation-wide exercise to register LEAP beneficiaries onto the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) from 18 July to 21st December, 2016.DSC_0647

The nationwide NHIS registration for LEAP beneficiaries is a follow-up to a successful pilot registration exercise that was undertaken in March 2016 in the Shai Osudoku and Ada West Districts of the Greater Accra region. During that exercise, a total of 856 beneficiaries were registered onto the NHIS platform and some of them had their cards renewed. The registration exercise under the LEAP Programme is targeted at all LEAP beneficiary household members who do not have NHIS card or whose NHIS registration cards will expire within three months from the date this exercise is initiated in a district.

The NHIS registration is an automatic complementary service for all LEAP beneficiaries under an MOU signed between the Ministry and the NHIA. The objective of the NHIS registration is to increase access to health care services among the LEAP beneficiaries.

The NHIS registration for LEAP beneficiaries will be carried out in 185 LEAP Districts. Nearly a total of 281,656 beneficiary household members are expected to benefit from this exercise.

The LEAP Programme is both a conditional and unconditional cash transfer programme being implemented by the LEAP Programme Secretariat under the Ministry of Gender Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP). The objective of the Programme is to reduce poverty by increasing consumption and promoting access to services and opportunities among the extreme poor and vulnerable households. For an extremely poor household to qualify for LEAP, it must have at least one member who is an Orphan or a Vulnerable Child or an elderly person aged 65 years and above without any support or a severely disabled person without any productive capacity and or a pregnant woman or a child under 2 years of age.

As a result of this process, it is expected that LEAP beneficiaries will access free health care. This will subsequently lead to a considerable reduction in healthcare expenditure for LEAP households thereby enabling LEAP households to use the cash grant on other productive activities.

The Programme wishes to appeal to all stakeholders and the general public to support this registration exercise.

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